In the blink of an eye, humanity has reverted to a bestial level by “The Flash,” an energy pulse of unknown origin. All higher thought processes have been erased, removing every trace of civilization and culture and leaving these new creatures concerned with three things: feeding, fighting, and fornicating. The scramblers are merciless, swarming over everything and everyone in their path. Abigail and her brother, Aaron, are celebrating her 12th birthday at a popular restaurant with their parents. Cameron is working another Friday night behind the grill. Duke, a prison guard, has been placed on leave for abusing inmates. Recent reports from the media state that the sun has been behaving strangely; a stronger than normal solar storm is expected to hit the Earth over the next week. The four of them – Abigail, Aaron, Cameron, and Duke – survive the event, but those who were Flashed are different. They can’t speak. They can’t reason. They are no longer human, but still in human form. Their struggle for survival starts in their respective small towns, until they eventually face each other in Atlanta. But after a decade trying to survive in the city, it becomes obvious they need to move... Elsewhere
Evil Upriver
Adam is a songwriter who decides a road trip may be just what he needs to recharge his creative juices, and take his mind off a recent breakup. He stops for the night in an idyllic southern town, but discovers it slowly changing around him. As tempers grow shorter, and the people stranger, he must decide who to trust. Only one other person seems resistant to the changes: Sonja, a beautiful local bar owner with a tragic past. Half a mile upriver, a strange new establishment sits outside of town. A haunted mine, home to numerous deaths over the years, complicates the situation. Adam and Sonja must decide which is the bigger threat, and battle the evil upriver.
Immediate Dead
As an Atlanta homicide detective, Michael Bennett is a cop with a secret. Since childhood, he has been cursed with the ability to hear the words of the immediate dead. Isolated by his gift, called ‘The Reaper’ by the other detectives, he works best alone. His newest in a long string of partners, Sandy Cooper, realizes something’s not quite right with Bennett. They must overcome themselves, their past, and their reluctance to work together when doctors begin dying in a brutal fashion.